Bluestockings Digital Comics Festival

The Bluestockings digital Comics festival took place from may 23rd - may 30th, entirely online. I worked with 60+ artists to help sell their comics, zines, and more online through the Bluestockings website.


Background information

In February, I was brought on to help promote the festival. I wrote copy for Instagram & Twitter, reached out to media contacts to write stories for the festival, and directly contacted artists to ask them to submit for festival consideration.

Once applications were closed, I helped review over 100 entries with a review committee. We decided to admit just over 60 applicants.

From there, I worked with my co-producer to set up guidelines for the artists to successfully submit their work to us. This meant deciding on image sizes, due dates for submissions, asking for biographical information, and more. We worked with each artist to address any concerns they may have had.

The festival took place entirely online, starting on May 23rd. This meant that anyone who visited the Bluestockings website could buy comics from over 60+ creators from all over the world. It lasted a week, ending at 7 PM on Monday, May 30th, 2022. Each day we garnered over 50+ individual sales, with each sale ranging from just one comic to digital armfuls.

During the festival, we hosted four different zoom panel discussions online which I also hosted. Each event had a different panel of guests and ranged in topics, all centering on comics and the creators behind them.

Behind the scenes of all of this, I was active on Bluestockings’ Twitter & Instagram, continually engaging with the audience, writing copy for posts, and making sure I caught any potential issues so that I could immediately address them. I also worked with journalists to gain coverage for the event during and after.

To read more, visit the website here.