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Not Here Not Now

Not Here Not Now is a project first started when I was a Teaching Assistant for Professor Nicole Anderson Ellis in VCU's Focus Inquiry department my sophomore year.As a TA, we are expected to conduct our own project demonstrating the abilities we teach in class which are: Critical Thinking and Argument Crafting through Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. 

Three other TAs  and I decided to craft a video series to help make VCU a safer place for all of its students. After the first year of research and presentation, I took responsibility for the project.

I broke the campaign of anti-discrimination into 3 different videos.  Each video talks about one topic that we believed needed to be talked about. It has real VCU students talking about the discrimination they have faced or discussing the topic in depth. We did this to use positive peer pressure to change the attitudes of new and current students to help the atmosphere of VCU, to get people talking, and to make it a better place for all. 
Take a look for yourself! 

Each video was filmed by Craig Zirpolo and edited by Mackenzie Werner.

The videos went on to win the Burnside Watstied award for bettering VCU's community.





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